vrijdag 13 augustus 2010

120 Projectielen uit Gazastrook op Israel afgevuurd tussen januari en juli 2010

Het aantal raketten dat vanuit de Gazastrook op Israel is afgevuurd is sterk verminderd: in 2008 en gedurende de Gaza oorlog werden 3684 raketten en mortieren op Israel afgevuurd, in 2009 na de Gaza oorlog waren dat er nog maar 302, en in 2010 tot en met juli slechts 120. Het laat zich raden waar dat aan ligt. Het is echter een illusie te denken dat Hamas de capaciteit niet meer heeft om raketten af te vuren, zij heeft een taktische keuze gemaakt hier voorlopig van af te zien en roept ook de andere organisaties zoals Islamitische Jihad daartoe op.

From January 2010 till the end of July 2010, 120 rockets from the Gaza Strip have been fired at Israel
Talia Wissner-Levy -  IDF 12 August 2010 , 14:11

The number of rockets and mortars launched at Israel from the Gaza Strip has dramatically reduced after Operation Cast Lead from December 2008-January 2009, during which the IDF acted to prevent Hamas and other terrorist groups from firing rockets at Israel. In 2008 and during Operation Cast Lead, 3,684 projectiles were fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip. That number was reduced to 302 for the entire year of 2009 following the Gaza operation. Despite this sharp reduction, rockets from the Gaza Strip continue to be fired at Israel.

Since the beginning of 2010 until the end of July, 120 projectiles were launched at Israel from the Gaza Strip. The months with the highest incidences of rocket fire this year were March and January, with 29 and 27 rockets and mortars launched at Israel, respectively. The IDF holds the Hamas terrorist organization, as the governing body of the Gaza Strip, solely responsible for these and future rocket attacks emanating from the region and will continue to act in self-defense to prevent future rocket attacks from being carried out.

The following graph is a comprehensive breakdown of high trajectory weapons fired at Israeli territory in 2010 by type (mortar, Qassam, Grad rocket), updated as of July 31st 2010. These figures do not include thwarted or failed firing attempts, or fire towards IDF forces. In addition, these figures do not take into account the Grad rocket which landed  in the southern city of Eilat which occured on August 2nd from the Sinai Peninsula.

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