zondag 8 november 2009

Hamas leider Khaled Meshaal roept Abbas op vredesonderhandelingen te stoppen

Palestina sympathisanten, alsmede de meeste journalisten, zullen in onderstaande een gematigde verklaring lezen dat Hamas een Palestijnse staat binnen 1967 grenzen accepteert en dus bereid is Israel te erkennen. Zijn handreiking aan Abbas is altemeer bewijs van de verandering ten goede bij Hamas. Met 'verzet' wordt uiteraard alleen vreedzaam verzet bedoeld en heilige strijd verwijst uiteraard naar innerlijke strijd en heeft eveneens niks met geweld te maken.
"Any leader who insists on the right of return for the Palestinian refugees and on restoring the land, even to the 1967 borders ... must know that the way to do this is not through negotiations or betting on the Americans but through holy struggle, resistance and national unity," Meshaal said.
Ik lees bovenstaande als dat men het hele land wil bevrijden van de rivier tot de zee, en dat dat alleen mogelijk is d.m.v. strijd en verzet, maar dat zelfs de 'bevrijding' van alleen de bezette gebieden niet mogelijk zou zijn door middel van onderhandelingen. De verwijzing naar het 'recht op terugkeer' maakt de hele discussie over of men wel of geen '67 grenzen zou accepteren natuurlijk per definitie betekenisloos.

Stick to resistance path, stop negotiations
www. qassam.ps/news-2018-Stick_to_resistance_path_stop_negotiations.html

Al Qassam Website/Agencies - Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal urged Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Friday to stop seeking compromise with Israel but offered him an olive branch, saying Palestinians must end their divisions.

Mashaal said that Hamas "stretches its hand" to Abbas's Fatah faction to end divisions between the two sides undermining the Palestinian cause.

"Courage dictates that we, as leaders of the Palestinians, be frank with our people and evaluate what compromise has brought us, decide together to suspend or freeze the political settlement process and pursue our real national options," Meshaal told a rally in the Syrian capital.

He said compromise with Israel, starting with the 1993 Oslo Accords, had failed to stop Israeli settlement expansion and brought Palestinians no closer to establishing an independent state in the land Israel has occupied since the 1967 Middle East War.

Abbas suspended talks with Israel during the Israeli invasion of Gaza in December and U.S. efforts to re-start them have since failed. Hamas has opposed the talks and rejected Western demands to recognize Israel.

"Any leader who insists on the right of return for the Palestinian refugees and on restoring the land, even to the 1967 borders ... must know that the way to do this is not through negotiations or betting on the Americans but through holy struggle, resistance and national unity," Meshaal said.

"Our hand is stretched out to reconcile with our brothers in Fatah and the Palestinian presidency to achieve our national project," he said.

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