maandag 28 september 2009

Geen hotel op plaats massamoord in Kiev na internationale protesten

De plannen van de gemeente Kiev om een hotel te bouwen op de plaats waar tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog meer dan 30.000 Joden zijn vermoord door SS troepen, met hulp van de lokale bevolking, gaan niet door. Vanwege internationale protesten heeft de burgemeester het plan, dat door de gemeenteraad was goedgekeurd, afgeblazen.
By Haaretz Service
Kiev's Mayor has scrapped a plan to build a hotel on a memorial site of one of the most notorious massacres of Jews during the Holocaust, following an international outcry.
Last week, the Kiev municipality approved a plan to build 28 hotels, including one on the memorial site of the Babi Yar attrocity, to accommodate the tens of thousands of visitors expected for soccer's 2012 European Championships.
But Mayor Leonid Chernovetskyi later used his veto to cancel the plan, according to reports Saturday.
On September 29 and 30, 1941, German SS troops, supported by other German units and local collaborators, gathered 33,771 Jewish civilians at the ravine outside Kiev and murdered them with machine guns.
After the Soviet Union's collapse, Ukraine set up a monument on the site.
Chernovetskyi has reportedly been interested in turning his city's remaining green space into real estate and is taking advantage of Euro 2012 to implement his plan, city sources said.

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