woensdag 15 juli 2009

Ophef over reclamefilmpje: IDF voetbalt met Palestijnen over de muur

Ik kan het Hebreeuws niet verstaan, maar het reclamefilmpje ziet er uit als een ludieke en onschuldige advertentie. Als mensen zich om zoiets druk gaan maken en er kwaad in zien, zegt dat alles over hun verbetenheid. Volgens veel sympathisanten van de Palestijnen kan Israel helemaal niets goed doen, en in alles, zelfs in allerlei projecten die juist gericht zijn op samenwerking en dialoog met de Arabieren, ziet men een racistisch zionistisch ethos of een sluwe manier om de eigen misdaden wit te wassen. Zulke mensen zijn deel van het probleem, niet van de oplossing.


WATCH: Israel cell phone ad has Facebook group crying 'racist'
By Haaretz Service
Last update - 16:53 12/07/2009

A Facebook group is trying to get Israel's leading cell phone operator, Cellcom, to pull a new TV commercial showing Israeli soldiers near the West Bank separation fence, arguing that the advert is "racist."

The commercial, produced by the Israeli branch of international advertising powerhouse McCann Erickson, shows IDF soldiers on patrol along the separation fence who stop their jeep when it is hit by a soccer ball from the Palestinian side of the fence.

The ball soon bounces back to the Israeli side, at which point the soldiers decide to hold an impromptu game with the Palestinians, cheered on by female soldiers.

The voiceover accompanying the advert says: "After all, what are we all after? Just a little fun."

The Facebook group, called "I too got nauseous watching the new Cellcom ad," severely criticized McCann Eriksson's use of the separation fence in its advert.

"We could go into the media messages spouting racism any which way, but if you have come here than you too think they're uncalled for," reads the introduction to the Facebook group. "The McCann Erickson copywriter displayed an unbelievable propensity for bad taste."

The group also centered on what they feel is offensive in the new commercial, pointing out the fact that the supposedly "good" soldiers fear the possibility that the "monster living on the other side of the wall could steal the ball - but when the ball returns to Israeli hands, we discover that that monster isn't fierce at all, and actually feels like playing with the soldiers - oh joy!"

"Good enough reason to set up a beach party under the wall, complete with sexy female soldiers and musical instruments."

The group ends by demanding the immediate removal of the commercial.

"What our group can agree on is the shame we feel seeing a major Israeli commercial company approving such a beastly advert to be aired in its name, and which brings us to demand - take this racist commercial off the air immediately!"

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