maandag 15 juni 2009

Woedende Palestijnen verwerpen toespraak Netanjahoe

De Palestijnse woede over Netanjahoe's speech is helaas voorspelbaar maar daarom niet minder absurd. Natuurlijk zitten er elementen in waar de Palestijnen het hartgrondig mee oneens zijn; de speech geeft de Israelische visie, niet de Palestijnse. Maar daarbinnen is hij redelijk. In plaats van Netanjahoe's erkenning van het Palestijnse recht op een staat te verwelkomen, worden grote woorden gebruikt als 'leugenaar' en 'zwendelaar' (Rabbo), en waarschuwt men zelfs voor een derde intifada. Netanjahoe zou het vredesproces saboteren en daarom roept hoofd onderhandelaar Erekat de Arabische staten op het Arabische vredesplan op te schorten en tot een stevig antwoord aan Israel. Dit vredesplan bevat overigens voor Israel net zozeer onacceptabele elementen als Netanjahoe's speech voor de Palestijnen, maar Israel werd en wordt er herhaaldelijk op aangesproken dat niet enthousiaster te omarmen.
De PA wijst ook de erkenning van Israel als Joodse staat af, wat veelzeggend is. De Palestijnse reactie maakt één ding duidelijk: niet Israel belemmert de vrede, maar de Palestijnen die iedere Joodse connectie met het land en met Jeruzalem ontkennen, een volledig 'recht op terugkeer' eisen, iedere steen in Oost-Jeruzalem inclusief de oude stad opeisen, en zelfmoordterroristen als helden vereren. Ik heb het daarbij, voor de duidelijkheid, over de 'gematigde' Palestijnse Autoriteit.
PA: Netanyahu has buried peace process
Jun. 14, 2009
Khaled Abu Toameh , THE JERUSALEM POST

Palestinian Authority officials in Ramallah on Sunday expressed outrage and shock over Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's call for the establishment of a demilitarized Palestinian state and his demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

The officials said that the speech which Netanyahu delivered at Bar Ilan University was much worse than they had expected.

They also warned that Netanyahu's policies would trigger a new intifada.

Some of Abbas's top advisors accused Netanyahu of "burying the peace process" and said the ball was now in the court of US President Barack Obama.

"Netanyahu's speech is a blow to Obama before it's a blow to the Palestinians and Arabs," commented an aide. "It's obvious, in the aftermath of this speech, that we are headed toward another round of violence and bloodshed."

The office of PA President Mahmoud Abbas issued a terse statement in which it accused Netanyahu of destroying efforts to achieve peace in the region.

"The speech has destroyed all initiatives and expectations," the statement said. "It has also placed restrictions on all efforts to achieve peace and constitutes a clear challenge to the Palestinian, Arab and American positions."

Nabil Abu Rudaineh, a spokesman for Abbas, also lambasted Netanyahu for refusing to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian state and his call for solving the issue of Palestinian refugees outside Israel.

"Netanyahu's remarks won't lead to a just and comprehensive peace based on United Nations resolutions," he added.

Yasser Abed Rabbo, a senior PLO official closely associated with Abbas, launched a scathing attack on Netanyahu, calling him a "swindler and liar."

He said that Netanyahu wants the Palestinians to join the Zionist movement by offering them a state under the protectorate of Israel. He also rejected Netanyahu's demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

The speech, Abed Rabbo said, is worthless and meaningless and hampers efforts to move forward toward a fair solution to the Israeli-Arab conflict. "Netanyahu is creating tricks to sabotage the peace process," he said. "The response to Netanyahu must be firm."

Chief PA negotiator Saeb Erekat called on the Arab countries to suspend the Arab peace initiative in protest against Netanyahu's statements. "We were not surprised by this speech," he said. "It didn't come as a surprise to all those who are familiar with the Israeli mentality. It's time for the Arab world to announce a clear position toward Netanyahu's speech."

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