maandag 18 mei 2009

Enquete: 40% Israëlische Arabieren gelooft niet dat Holocaust plaatsvond

Eenzelfde percentage erkent Israels bestaansrecht wel als een democratische Joodse staat. In 1995 verwierp slechts 7% Israels bestaansrecht. Ook op andere gebieden laat de enquete een achteruitgang zien in de Arabische houding tegenover de Joodse bevolking van Israel:
Other disturbing findings in the poll: In 2008, about 54% of Israeli Arabs said they would agree to send their children to a Hebrew school, while five years [earlier] the figure stood at 70.5%. Meanwhile, at this time 47% of local Arabs object to having a Jewish neighbor, while in 2003 the figure stood at 27.2%.
Als uit enquetes blijkt dat een significant deel van de Joodse Israeli's geen Arabische buren wil of hun kind niet naar een Arabische school zou sturen, staan velen klaar om op het racistische karakter van de staat Israel en haar inwoners te wijzen, maar dit wordt uiteraard aan de wrede onderdrukking door de zionisten geweten. Dat Arabieren in Israel meer rechten en welvaart kennen dan in de omliggende Arabische staten, wordt voor het gemak even vergeten.
Het positieve nieuws is dat, wanneer er hoop en vooruitzicht is op vrede, deze percentages weer kunnen dalen. In het artikel formuleert de professor die de enquete heeft gehouden dat als volgt:
"This shows us that the trend is not consistent, and that we have ups and downs. Everything depends on the State of Israel's domestic and foreign policies." 

... Of van het beleid van de Palestijnse Autoriteit en de Arabische staten, en de vraag of zij bijvoorbeeld bereid zijn het Arabische vredesplan op punten aan te passen en Israels bestaansrecht te erkennen. Israels verharde positie is immers voor een groot deel het gevolg van de tweede intifada die in reactie kwam op vergaande vredesvoorstellen, en de duizenden raketten uit Gaza als reactie op de Israelische terugtrekking in 2005.

40% of Israeli Arabs: Holocaust never happened

Disturbing poll results: Shocking percentage of local Arabs are Shoah deniers, less than half recognize Israel's right to exist as Jewish democratic state; survey shows significant deterioration in Arab attitudes in past six years
Sharon Roffe-Ofir - YNET
Only 41% of local Arabs recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish democratic state, while 40.5% of Arab Israelis believe the Holocaust never happened, a new poll conducted by Haifa University revealed.

The poll's disturbing findings will be presented Monday in a conference to be held at the University of Haifa and compared to past figures.

Professor Sami Samocha, who conducted the survey, has been monitoring Arab-Jewish relations for 35 years and says the sensitive ties have seen ups and downs that closely related to current affairs.

"The most moderate year was 1995 - the golden era of the Rabin government, the Oslo Accord, and the attitude to the Palestinian people," he said. "Four years later, the great disappointment with the Netanyahu government and the October events worsened the situation."

In 1995, only 7% of Arab-Israelis said the State had no right to exist. Meanwhile, the figure rose to 22% last year. On another front, last year 56% of Arab-Israelis agreed to limit the right of return to Palestinian areas only. In a similar poll conducted in 2003, 72% of respondents supported the same statement.

'Great rift of October 2000'
Meanwhile, 41% of Arab-Israeli respondents took part in some kind of protest activity last year, while only 28% did so six years ago.

"The figures are a derivative of what we've known in recent years," Professor Samocha said, and pointed to the Gaza blockade, the Second Lebanon War, and the aftermath of the October 2000 Riots as exacerbating factors.

"In the past three or four years we are witnessing the results of the great rift of the October 2000 riots," he said. "Should this continue, the negative positions will grow stronger."

Other disturbing findings in the poll: In 2008, about 54% of Israeli Arabs said they would agree to send their children to a Hebrew school, while five years later [=earlier?] the figure stood at 70.5%. Meanwhile, at this time 47% of local Arabs object to having a Jewish neighbor, while in 2003 the figure stood at 27.2%.

Samocha noted that the current figures are reminiscent of the 1976 data.

"This shows us that the trend is not consistent, and that we have ups and downs," he said. "Everything depends on the State of Israel's domestic and foreign policies."

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