donderdag 7 augustus 2008

NOVA over Irans nucleaire plannen

Zaterdag 2 augustus kwam het conflict tussen Iran en het Westen over Irans kernprogramma uitgebreid aan de orde in NOVA. Je zou verwachten dat men vooral in zou gaan op de vraag of Iran inderdaad aan een kernwapen werkt of - zoals het zelf beweert - slechts kernenergie wil kunnen produceren voor vreedzame doeleinden.
Vele, vele zaken wijzen op het eerste: Waar heeft Iran kernenergie voor nodig met al die olie? Waarom accepteert men niet het aanbod van o.a. Rusland om bij hen verrijkt uranium in te kopen? Waarom ontwikkelt men tegelijkertijd lange-afstandsraketten die speciaal bedoeld zijn voor vervoer van kernkoppen? Waarom dreigt Achmadinejad steeds met het van de kaart vegen van Israel, en wijst hij naar Israels kernwapens, en meent dat Iran er evenveel recht op heeft?
Desondanks houden de media zich meestal op de vlakte wat betreft deze vraag. Zo ook NOVA, waarin NOS en NRC correspondent Thomas Erdbrink deze vraag duidelijk niet interessant vindt, en bijna alle tijd besteedt aan het uitleggen van het Iraanse standpunt. We moeten vooral goed begrijpen hoezeer Iran zich in een hoek voelt gedrukt, en dat wat in onze oren agressief klinkt, in feite vooral een reactie is op westerse arrogantie. Daarvoor had een Iraanse hoogleraar eveneens uitgebreid Irans standpunt toegelicht, en betoogd dat als de VS een dialoog wil dat wel 'met respect voor Iran' gepaard diende te gaan. Hij zei dat Iran bereid is met alle legitieme staten te praten, dat Israel niet legitiem is, er geen ruimte is in het Midden-Oosten voor racisme (dan kun je de meeste staten daar wel opheffen lijkt me), zionisme racisme is en Israel een apartheidsstaat. Met alle respect, uiteraard.
Over deze intolerantie (om een understatement te gebruiken) was Erdbrink opvallend stil, dat deed blijkbaar niks af aan Irans oprechte behoefte aan respect van het Westen. Erdbrink meende dat de kans dat Israel als eerste aan zou vallen groter was dan dat Iran dat zou doen, en benadrukte dat een oplossing alleen mogelijk is wanneer het Westen voor een andere aanpak kiest, zodat Iran zich minder in de hoek gedrukt voelt. Je zou bijna zeggen dat de beste man door de Iraanse geheime dienst wordt betaald.
Het is waar dat er in Israel wordt gepraat over een aanval op Iraans nucleaire programma, maar dat is vooral een daad van zelfverdediging, en een gevolg van de slappe houding van het Westen. Het Westen heeft jarenlang 'respect' voor Iran getoond, en komt steeds weer met nieuwe voorstellen om het tegenmoet te komen. Ondertussen gaat Iran, tegen de afspraken in, door met het verrijken van uranium en bouwt men door aan nieuwe centrales en centrifuges. De inspecteurs van het atoomagentschap mogen de meeste lokaties niet in. Als men alleen kernenergie voor vreedzame doeleinden wil, wat heeft men dan te verbergen?
Waarom willen we de onaangename waarheid niet onder ogen zien, dat Iran niet veel goeds van plan is, en we dit niet met dialoog en 'respect' kunnen tegenhouden? Waarom is er niet meer kritiek op een zo'n partijdige correspondent?
De website Israel Facts wijst op twee alarmerende berichten die vrijwel onopgemerkt zijn gebleven in de Nederlandse media:
Het eerste is een rapport over Iraanse proeven in de Kaspische Zee, waarin een springlading op een Scud raket hoog in het luchtruim tot ontploffing is gebracht. Deze testen duiden volgens diverse betrouwbare bronnen op een Iraans programma om een EMP (electro magnetische impuls) aanval uit te voeren, mogelijk op de VS. Daarbij zou een kernwapen op een Scud of Shihab 3 raket worden gemonteerd, en afgeschoten vanaf een vrachtschip om tot ontploffing te worden gebracht hoog in het luchtruim, wat alle moderne communicatie systemen en andere electrische systemen onklaar zou maken en de VS daarmee letterlijk naar de 19e eeuw zou bombarderen.
Een ander bericht dat gisteren verspreid werd via het web was de onthulling door Koeweitse dagbladen dat Iran een tweede geheime nucleaire centrale aan het bouwen is in de streek die grenst aan Irak en Koeweit (zie MEMRI bericht hieronder).
De bron van dit bericht, Alseyassah Koeweit en haar Engelstalige tak Arabtimes, publiceerde een kopie van een brief van de assistent van de militaire commandant van de Iraanse revolutionaire garde Hassan Jalaliyan aan de directeur van de bouwfirma die de Al Zerqan centrale bouwt, Mohammed Kayafir.
Deze onthullingen werpen een iets ander licht werpen op de "vreedzame" aspiraties van Iran, waar het gaat om haar nucleaire aktiviteiten, aldus Israel Facts.
Het herhaaldelijk gepleegde bedrog door Iran zou genoeg reden moeten zijn voor een kritischere houding tegenover de verklaringen van Iraanse diplomaten. Het is de taak van de media om die goed tegen het licht te houden en ons te informeren over die zaken die Iran liever geheim houdt, en niet om het Iraanse standpunt nog eens uit te leggen. Dat kan Iran zelf wel.

Iran Building Secret Nuclear Reactor

Memri | 7/31/2008

On July 29, 2008, the Kuwaiti daily Al-Siyassa reported that, according to "highly reliable sources," Iranian authorities had begun construction of a secret nuclear reactor in the Al-Zarqan region close to the city of Ahwaz in southwest Iran, on the Iran-Iraq border.

The paper said that according to sources, Iran was working to distance its nuclear installations from international oversight. The English version of the report, published in the Kuwaiti Arab Times, said, "Disclosing [that] Tehran directed international A-bomb inspectors to other places, sources warned [that] the project poses a very serious threat to international security."

Also according to the sources, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) did not know about this site at all, since it was not included in negotiations with Iran in Geneva held in early July.

According to the report, the sources said that during 2000-2003, Iran expropriated the lands and homes of thousands of Arab citizens from the Al-Zarqan region, destroying homes of thousands of Arab citizens from the Al-Zarqan region.

Destroyed homes, fields, orchards, and wells, and built a three-meter-high wall around the project site, which allegedly measures hundreds of kilometers.

The report also said that "the construction of the reactor began with the laying of a pipeline for fresh water from the [nearby] KarounRiver to the site, and the expansion of the Al-Zarqan power station."

Also, the sources said that "the construction works seem to be routine and do not arouse attention, but the tight security around the region is what arouses suspicions regarding the nature of the work." They added that the site is guarded by Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) personnel, reflecting its importance and sensitivity.

Following is a summary of the Al-Siyassa report, [1] and from its English [2] version in the Kuwaiti English-language daily Arab Times, which was also published July 29, 2008.

IRGC Commander's Letter to Construction Company: Maintain Complete Secrecy

In its report, Al-Siyassa included a letter dated April 7, 2008 from the office of the assistant of IRGC commander in Al-Ahwaz city Brig. Hassan Jalaliyan, marked "highly confidential," to Mohammed Kayafir, manager of the Mehab Qudus Company for Construction and Supervision, which is building the reactor. The following is a translation of the letter:

"From the IRGC Commander in the city of Al-Ahwas to the director in charge at the Mehab Qudus company for Construction and Supervision Mr. Mohammed Kayafir

"Re: The nuclear reactor at Al-Zarqan


"I thank you for the good services of the Mehab Qudus company, and at the same time I must remind you of the following items:

"1. All construction materials must be transported from the warehouses to the construction site in top secrecy.

"2. As part of the doctrine of caution, we reiterate yet again that during the transport of all required materials, you must ensure that this [transport] does not arouse the suspicions of any citizen in the region through which you are moving.

"3. In general, it is absolutely forbidden to hire any Arabic speakers or any citizen from Khozestan in the framework of the 'Al-Zarqan Nuclear Reactor' construction project. You must ensure that all manpower, including the driver, the accountant, the warehouse manager, the laborer, the technician, or the guard, comes from the northern provinces.

"In conclusion, we say yet again that all the construction work in this project must be carried out under absolute secrecy.

"From the aide to IRGC commander in the city of Al-Ahwaz, Hassan Jalaliyan."


An Ideal Place to Build a Nuclear Reactor - The Local Residents Can Serve as a Human Shield

Al-Siyassa also reported that the "National Society for Arabstan State took satellite pictures of the location, which looked perfect for the construction of a secret nuclear reactor..." It added, "The site is more suitable for building a nuclear reactor than Bushehr, which is close to American bases." It noted that a nuclear power plant under construction at Darkhovin is in an open area on the main road between Ahwaz and Abadan - while the "Al-Zarqan nuclear reactor is in the middle of very highly populated areas, making it a very difficult target due to a possibility that the Iranian authorities will use civilians as human shields."

On January 31, 2008, the Iran Daily wrote that Iranian Atomic Energy Organization deputy head Ahmad Fayyazbakhsh had said that the nuclear power plant at Darkhovin, in southwestern Iran, would become operational in 2016.


[1] Al-Siyassa (Kuwait), July 29, 2008,

[2] Arab Times (Kuwait), July 29, 2008, (the text has been lightly edited for clarity).

[3] Iran Daily (Iran), January 31, 2008,

Hezbollah agent uit Kalansua (Westoever) gearresteerd

Het is schandalig dat Hezbollah door de EU nog steeds niet als een terroristische organisaties wordt beschouwd, waardoor Hezbollah zich in Europa ongehinderd kan bewegen en bijvoorbeeld Arabieren met het Israëlische staatsburgerschap kan recruteren om informatie te verzamelen en aanslagen voor te bereiden. Hoe Hezbollah te werk gaat, staat uitgebreid beschreven in onderstaand bericht.

MFA Newsletter

Arrest of Hizbullah agent from Kalansua
Khaled Kashkoush, a resident of Kalansua in the West Bank, who has been studying medicine in Germany, was arrested on July 16. He was allegedly recruited in Germany by a Hizbullah handler and was instructed to carry out tasks for a sum of 13,000 Euros.
(Communicated by Israeli security sources)

Orphaned Children Project Lebanon in Germany
Khaled Kashkoush, born in 1979, single, originally from Kalansua, has been residing in recent years in Germany, studying medicine in Gottingen, Germany. He was arrested on July 16, 2008 at Ben Gurion Airport upon his arrival in Israel in a joint operation of Israel Security Agency and the Israel Police National Serious and International Crime Unit, for alleged security offenses. Following his arrest, Kashkoush was transferred for questioning, during which he revealed his ties with Hizbullah.

Initial ties with Hizbullah
In 2002 Khaled met Dr. Hisham Hassan through a family relative. Dr. Hisham is Lebanese, residing in Germany and heads the branch of Orphaned Children Project Lebanon, belonging to Hizbullah and operating to raise funds for the Lebanese Martyr Institute, which was designated in Israel. Lebanese Martyr Institute assists Hizbullah civil infrastructure in Lebanon, including assistance to families of suicide bombers in Lebanon (see appendix below).
After a few meetings, Hisham suggested that Khaled establish business relationship with a Lebanese, called Rami, who, according to Hisham, would be able to assist Khaled. In December 2005, Khaled met Rami, who later identified himself as Mazen, in Erfurt, Germany. In their first meeting Khaled was asked to buy a "clean" cell phone and set the meetings by e-mail.
In their second meeting, in December 2006, in Erfurt, Germany, the Lebanese handler, aka Mazen, revealed that he is a Hizbullah member. Afterwards, the two met in April 2007 and January 2008 in Frankfurt, Germany. The handler, who identified himself as Rami and then Mazen, is known to security elements by the name of Mohamad Hashem, about 50, originally from Lebanon, an experienced Hizbullah senior handler. Mohamad Hashem frequently visits in various countries for meetings with Hizbullah agents to give instructions and money and receive information.
Activity of Khaled Kashkush for Hizbullah
As revealed during questioning, Khaled Kashkush was asked to provide the Hizbullah handler with information on Israel, including names of Israeli citizens studying abroad aiming to recruit them to Hizbullah. In addition, Khaled attempted to get a job at one of the hospitals in Israel in order to gather information on members of the security forces or soldiers hospitalized there. In one of the meetings Khaled held with the handler, the latter showed him the map of the town of Kalansua loaded off Google Earth, and asked him to locate on the map the addresses of local residents or public buildings.
It also became clear that due to his ties to Hizbullah, Khaled underwent a basic guidance on security conduct intended to prevent his exposure.  
Khaled received 13,000 Euros for his Hizbullah activity.
When questioned about the ties of Hisham Hassan, with whom Khaled Kashkush began his activity, the activity of another Hizbullah agent was revealed - Ayman Kamel Shhade who was born in 1967 from Hebron. Ayman Shhade is known to the ISA for his association with Hizbullah. 
Since the pullout of the IDF from southern Lebanon in May 2000 the Hizbullah increased its activity vis a vis Israeli citizens, wishing to establish an intelligence and operational infrastructure to gather valuable information about Israel and execute lethal attacks on its territory. The need of Hizbullah to gather valuable information increased following the Second Lebanon War.
This investigation is another proof that Hizbullah considers Israeli Arabs an attractive target for recruitment and handling. Hizbullah wishes to benefit from their citizenship status, with no problems of movement and access to various sites in Israel. This fact assists in gathering relevant information: strategic information, such as security sites and main traffic arteries, as well as tactical information, such as information about Israeli towns. Thus, as part of Hizbullah modus operandi, Hizbullah approaches Israeli Arabs staying abroad to recruit them.
Furthermore, the fact that Hizbullah has not yet been designated as a terrorist organization in Europe and hence is considered a legitimate organization, enables the organization to act undisturbed, to recruit and handle agents, using allegedly legitimate platforms, such as charity societies and organizations. Israeli security elements are concerned over Hizbullah activity in various European countries, including attempts to recruit Israeli citizens, as was indicated in this investigation.
Appendix - Orphaned Children Project Lebanon and the Lebanese Martyr Institute
Dr. Hisham Hasan who recruited Khaled Kashkoush and introduced him to a Hizbullah handler, is the head of Orphaned Children Project Lebanon in Germany (Waisenkinderprojekt Libanon e.V). This association supports the Lebanese Martyr Institute, which was designated in Israel due to its support of Hizbullah. Thus, for example, the Orphaned Children Project Lebanon website ( explicitly states that all funds raised for the orphans' adoption project are transferred directly to the bank account of the Lebanese Martyr's Institute.
The Martyrs Foundation (Bonjad Ashahid) is originally an Iranian organization, founded to assist family members of the Iran-Iraq war victims. The Lebanese Martyr's Institute was established according to the Iranian format.
The Lebanese Martyr's Institute is known to be an organization raising funds for Hizbullah to strengthen the organization in Lebanon. This institute is part of a wide network of institutions and charity societies founded by Hizbullah in Lebanon; it operates in various fields: welfare, economics, culture and communications. One of its goals is the dissemination of Hizbullah ideology amongst Lebanese population. With the aid of these institutions Hizbullah attained a widespread influence on the Shiite population in Lebanon and other places in the world.
In 2007 the US Department of Treasury designated the Iran-based Martyrs Foundation and all its branches in Lebanon and USA (Goodwill Charitable Organization) as organizations providing support for Hizbullah, since they finance its activity.

6 Aug 2008
MFA Website

Qassam raket valt in westen Negev

Het huidige staakt-het-vuren is waarschijnlijk het best houdende tot nu toe. Sinds het ingaan ervan meldt de kalender van blogger Elder of Zion nog 'slechts' 11 gelanceerde Qassam raketten en 10 mortiergranaten. Dat is van 19 juni t/m 13 juli. (Onduidelijk of daarna niets meer was voorgevallen of de kalender niet verder is bijgehouden. In juni waren voordat het staakt-het-vuren inging 102 raketten gevallen.

Volgens Der Spiegel vuren de mensen die in de tunnels werken soms Qassams af omdat het in hun belang is als het staakt-het-vuren geen stand houdt, de grenzen weer helemaal dicht gaan en dus de prijzen van allerlei waren stijgen...
Ratna & Wouter

Qassam hits western Negev in new Gaza truce violation
By Mijal Grinberg, Haaretz Correspondent and Reuters
Last update - 21:29  06/08/2008

Militants in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday fired a Qassam rocket into the western Negev in another violation of the fragile truce between Israel and Hamas in the coastal territory.

The rocket struck an open area in the Sha'ar Hanegev regional council. It caused neither casualties nor property damage.

There have been several rocket launches from the coastal territory since an Egyptian-brokered truce between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas went into effect on June 19, though such attacks tapered off in recent weeks.

Israel responded to previous attacks by reclosing border crossings with Gaza.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility from armed Palestinian factions in Gaza.

The truce calls on Gaza militants to halt rocket attacks in return for Israel gradually easing an embargo on the territory. Israel tightened its cordon on Gaza after Hamas took control of the territory in June 2006.

Tunnels tussen Gaza en Egypte houden Hamas in het zadel

Zonder de smokkeltunnels (zo'n 150 momenteel) zou Hamas een belangrijk deel van zijn inkomsten verliezen, en daarmee van zijn machtspositie.
Hamas handhaaft de orde, maar met harde hand: martelingen van tegenstanders, hoge belastingen op bijvoorbeeld brandstof, een verbod op alcohol en gemengd dansen bij bruiloften. Ondertussen onderneemt men niks tegen aanvallen op christelijke doelen.
Aan de corruptie is overigens geen einde gekomen, integendeel.
Der Spiegel - 08/04/2008 12:00 AM


Tunnels to Egypt Keep Hamas in Business

By Juliane von Mittelstaedt

One year after assuming total power over the Gaza Strip, Hamas is stronger then ever. Its weapons caches are overflowing and its control over daily life is secure. The Islamists can go about their business largely thanks to the supplies that get in via the tunnels connecting Gaza to Egypt.

The king of the tunnel builders had given a dazzling party, with roses from Egypt and dancing into the early morning hours. Thousands of people came to the event to celebrate his wedding to his 15-year-old bride. He had chosen the girl, and her family gave her up gladly, because no one contradicts the man they call Abu Ibrahim.

He is the richest man in Rafah and is believed to be worth millions. He drives a gold-colored Jeep and has built a multistory commercial building, the only structure of its kind far and wide. He already has one wife and 10 children, and now he has this second wife, for whom he had a wedding bed, a refrigerator and two television sets brought in from Egypt through the tunnels.

Abu Ibrahim, 38, has Hamas to thank for his wealth, and Hamas owes its power in the Gaza Strip to Abu Ibrahim. A quarter century ago he dug his first tunnel under the border to Egypt. He was 13 years old at the time and one of the first to venture into the underworld of Rafah. At first he smuggled gold, cheese and cigarettes, but after the beginning of the second Intifada in 2000 his business shifted mainly to weapons. It was Ibrahim who helped arm the Islamists and provided them with the Kalashnikovs, ammunition and explosives they have used since assuming power in June of last year.

Although Hamas won a military victory over its rival, Fatah, on June 14, 2007, a second, silent civil war for lasting control over the Gaza Strip continues today, a year later. It is a conflict over who will determine law and order in the future, over bureaucracy and militias, and over who will collect taxes and who will be permitted to fire rockets at Israel.

When five Hamas members were killed in a bomb attack in front of a beach café two Fridays ago, the Hamas leadership immediately blamed the attack on its rival, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah movement. But it is also possible that the bombing was committed by elements from within Hamas's own ranks or one of its militias. The radical Islamist organization has been splintered into various factions for some time.

Lifelines for Gaza

Hamas used the bombing as an excuse to conduct its biggest series of raids since assuming power, arresting 200 supposed activists with the rival Fatah movement, searching organizations affiliated with it and banning three newspapers. In response, the Fatah-led government in the West Bank arrested 150 Hamas members. Hundreds of Fatah members have since fled to Israel and earlier this week many of them were subsequently transferred to the West Bank.

The two unconnected parts of a future Palestine are drifting apart like separating continental plates. Meanwhile, the new masters of Gaza are continually expanding their control over the narrow Mediterranean coastal strip, and their most important helpers are the tunnel people of Rafah.

According to the Israeli domestic intelligence agency, 175 tons of explosives have been smuggled into the region since June 2007, along with 10 million rounds of ammunition, tens of thousands of machine guns, grenades, land mines and precision-guided missiles. The Islamists are now believed to have turned to smuggling weapons through their own cement-reinforced tunnels, which now include ventilation systems and a water supply. But more than weapons are passing through these tunnels.

Since Israel classified the Gaza Strip as "enemy territory" and sealed its borders, 95 percent of businesses have been forced to close and 70,000 workers and about 40,000 farmers have become unemployed. This has helped turn the tunnels into lifelines for Gaza's 1.5 million residents. From clothing to Coca-Cola to cement, almost all goods reach this coastal strip underground.

Five thousand people work in the tunnels, of which there are now believed to be about 150 -- up from 15 a year ago. By now, anyone who can afford a few shovels, a generator and an electric winch is digging new tunnels, and there are deaths almost weekly, because the tunnels are poorly reinforced or because the Egyptians have blown them up.

A Game of Cat and Mouse

The new gold diggers of Rafah have staked their claims directly in the sand on one side of the border, and land prices here are higher than anywhere else in the Gaza Strip. The tunnels begin in huts made of wooden slats, surrounded by plants barely masquerading as gardens. The shafts are 10 meters (33 feet) deep, and at the bottom of each shaft a passageway leads to the southwest. The tunnels are 60 centimeters (2 feet) wide and one meter (3.3 feet) tall, and extend for up to one kilometer (0.6 miles). Sometimes up to four tunnels are crowded into the same vertical space, separated only by planks.

Each tunnel has several exits on the Egyptian side, so that when one is discovered and destroyed, another one can be opened. It is a cat-and-mouse game, but one in which the Egyptians are reluctant to pursue the smugglers. The Israelis, for their part, claim that no one knows exactly where the tunnels are and that they are not keen on bombing civilians. But according to Abu Yakub, "it's fine with the Israelis for Hamas to remain strong in Gaza, because it means that no one forces them to seriously negotiate a peace plan."

Abu Yakub is the assistant of weapons smuggler Abu Ibrahim, who now fears for his life and prefers to remain hidden. The two men went into the underworld together as children, and although Abu Yakub never became as wealthy as his friend, he has managed to earn enough to afford an attractive villa. And what if the tunnels were closed tomorrow? Abu Yakub claps his hands, and says: "Well, then I'll just stop working."

But now he squats next to a new shaft, where his men are in the process of digging a new tunnel. They are only 200 meters (656 feet) from their goal. Using satellite images from Google Earth, they install power cables, oxygen tubes and intercom systems underground. It takes six months and costs $40,000 (€26,000) to build such a tunnel, and those who are discovered will lose everything. Those who succeed, on the other hand, can make a fortune.

Ceasefire Proves Bad for Business

At the height of the embargo, prices quadrupled and, for a time, cement in Gaza cost 10 times as much as it did in Egypt. But now the cease-fire of June 19 has thwarted the smugglers' plans. For the past few weeks, about 90 trucks have been allowed to pass through the Israeli border crossings every day. Though only a fraction of the 400 trucks that made it through daily before the embargo, it was enough to cause prices to go down immediately in Rafah. Two weeks ago, a few dealers fired a homemade rocket in the direction of the Israeli city of Sderot, hoping that it would prompt the government in Jerusalem to seal off the borders again. "The ceasefire may be good for the people of Gaza, but not for us," says Abu Yakub.

The ceasefire has also been detrimental to Hamas, because the underground border traffic is one of its key revenue sources. The Islamists are believed to collect about $10,000 (€6,450) a day from the tunnel owners in the form of "usage fees," as well as "value-added taxes" -- all payable in cash to armed money collectors who wait at the tunnel exits. If a pack of cigarettes costs 74 cents in Egypt, it goes for €1.85 ($2.87) in Gaza, with half of the profits going to Hamas. And a lot of people smoke in the Gaza Strip.

The Islamists also control the distribution of gasoline. Anyone who wishes to buy gas must first buy an "insurance policy" from Hamas, for about €170 ($264), in return for a coupon that entitles its holder to buy 20 liters (5.3 gallons) once every two weeks -- even now, with Israel allowing 1 million liters (264,000 gallons) of fuel for cars into the Gaza Strip. Nevertheless, many residents still drive with a mixture of vegetable and used deep-frying grease. As a result, the Gaza Strip smells like a French-fry stand.

But for the Islamists, the issue is not just money, but justice and the question of whose justice. After the Hamas coup, Abbas called upon the judges in the Gaza Strip not to report to work. This prompted Hamas to take over the courts last November and appoint new judges amenable to their cause. Some people, however, would even like to see these courts abolished.

One of them, and perhaps the most influential, is Marwan Abu Ras, known as "Hamas' mufti." The organization's political leaders prefer not to be mentioned in the same breath with Abu Ras and describe him as "peculiar." But Gaza's top administrator, Ismail Haniya, and Mahmoud Zahar, one of the founders of Hamas, like to discuss religious matters with Abu Ras, who studied in Medina. The religious scholar wears a floor-length jalabiya robe, and his stomach is pressed against the edge of his desk, where a Koran rests on a mat made of red imitation crocodile leather. His bear and the Palestinian flags on his desk flutter in the breeze coming from his office fan. He looks more sleepy than dangerous, and yet it was no coincidence that a bomb also exploded in front of his house two Fridays ago. In his case, the attempted bombing was presumably an act of revenge by Fatah.

Disappointed by the Islamists

That's because it was a fatwah, or religious edict, issued by Abu Ras that cost about 100 Fatah members their lives during and after the four-day power struggle last year. "Anyone who has committed murder must also be punished with death," says the mufti. "Before Hamas came into power, there was a lot of crime here. Now we have restored order."

Order also means torture, even if this isn't exactly something Abu Ras is willing to admit. Palestinians who have fled to the West Bank report being nailed to the wall, confined in coffins or subjected to mock executions by Hamas. "We will take the best aspects of the Iranian and the Saudi Arabian system," says Abu Ras, stressing that women, of course, can continue to attend the university, go to the market and drive. "We aren't the Taliban, after all," he says.

The Islamists' influence is becoming more and more visible. Most men now wear full beards and many women are fully veiled. New minarets are being built throughout Gaza, alcohol is no longer available, and Hamas has restricted mixed dancing at weddings and extended religious study in schools. There have been arson attacks against Christian organizations and Internet cafés, and a few months ago radical Islamists even launched a grenade in front of the Hotel Deira, because it had been said that a waiter there had served whisky in espresso cups. The terrace at the Deira is a refuge for the bourgeoisie, and extended families spend their evenings playing rummy there.

Sharhabeel Zaeem comes to the Hotel Deira every day with his wife and their four children. He owns the largest law firm in Palestine, and until two years ago he advised international non-governmental organizations and Arab investors. But since the Hamas coup investment has stopped and lawsuits are no longer being filed. Now Zaeem, together with his wife, has completed the state examination in political science and is studying to earn a master's degree in law. "I have a lot of time now," he says.

Together with like-minded Palestinians, Zaeem is building a new party, the "Palestine Forum," which is supported by Munib Masri, a multimillionaire from Nablus. "We need at least another five years before we can take on Hamas." But he is hopeful, noting that many are already disappointed by the Islamists.

Although people are venturing out into the streets again at night, because there is a police officer at every corner, says Zaeem, this is about the extent of Hamas's achievements. "Hamas is in power, but it still thinks like an opposition party," he says. It ignores the garbage piling up in the streets, does nothing about repairing traffic lights, roads and water pipes and pays no attention to the children begging at intersections.

Hamas has even reneged on its most important promise: to fight corruption. "You can buy your way out of prison, and it's even cheaper than under Fatah," says a man who prefers to remain anonymous. A traffic policeman recently asked the man for a "donation to buy breakfast." But the corruption is emanating from the top rather than the bottom of Gaza's power structure.

Gaza's de facto leader Ismail Haniya, has gained 28 kilos (62 lbs) and set up his office in the former government guesthouse -- with an ocean view, of course. In addition to Haniya, the men in charge include Tahir Nunu, the Hamas spokesman, who likes to hold court at the Hotel Deira and present visitors with his nonstop smile, framed by a carefully trimmed beard. Anyone who listens to Nunu discovers that Hamas is willing to release the kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, to form a unity government with Fatah, even to make peace.

Nunu smokes his water pipe. He can lean back and relax, because things are going well for Hamas. It has marginalized Fatah to such an extent that the desperate Abbas is even said to have threatened last week to dissolve the Autonomous Authority if Israel were to exchange prominent Hamas prisoners for Shalit. This is significant, because the release of Palestinians had until now consistently been considered a shared objective of all parties.

Nunu is the public face of Hamas. The other face of Hamas doesn't smile. It belongs to Ayman, a 26-year-old with an unkempt beard who dreams of becoming a martyr. "I will die sooner or later," he says. "It would be best to die in an attack on Israel." He shows a video clip on his mobile phone of him firing a Kalashnikov, then a photo of his daughter, who is only a few months old.

Ayman joined the Al-Aksa Brigades as a fighter six years ago, later becoming of member of Fatah's presidential guard. He defected to Hamas after the coup. Today he is a police officer by day and a member of the Qassam Brigades at night. He doesn't even have to change clothes from one job to the next. It's the same uniform for both.

Before the ceasefire, he transported rockets to the northern Gaza Strip and fired them from there. But now there is a ceasefire, and yet he still isn't any less busy. "On the contrary," he says, "we are training for the next major attack." This means spying on Israeli positions and depositing explosives near the border. Explosions are often heard these days, as Qassam fighters train for guerilla warfare. At the same time, Hamas is trying to reshape the brigades into an effective army with a clear chain of command, an army that, like Hezbollah in Lebanon, would be capable of resisting an Israeli invasion.

"We are disappointed, because Israel isn't opening up the borders completely, as promised. That's why we will soon end the ceasefire," says Ayman. He hopes that this will finally give him the chance to make his dream come true.

Abu Ibrahim, the tunnel king of Rafah, will also be pleased.


Translated from the German by Christopher Sultan

woensdag 6 augustus 2008

Respect voor snor van Hitler bij Egyptische snorrenclub

Dit soort ideeën zijn helaas minder uitzonderlijk dan je zou denken. Sadat en Nasser waren beide bewonderaars van Hitler. Luyendijk schreef in zijn door antizionisten veelvuldig aangehaalde boek "Het zijn net mensen" over een sappenbar in Beiroet waar men 'Hitlercoctails' serveerde.

MEMRI: Special Dispatch | No. 2014 | August 5, 2008

Egypt/Antisemitism Documentation Project
Members of the Egyptian Unique Moustache Association: We Respect the Moustache of Hitler Because He Humiliated the World's Most Despicable Sect

Following are excerpts from an interview with members of the Egyptian Unique
Moustache Association, which aired on Egyptian TV on July 11, 2008.
To view this clip, visit

Interviewer: "I'm sure many people have pressured you to shave off your moustache, saying, 'What is this? Enough of that.'"
Association head Fathi Ahmad Mahmoud "Moustache": "My personality forces people to treat me with respect."
Interviewer: "Didn't your friends, relatives, your wife, or your children say 'Enough is enough?'"
Fathi Ahmad Mahmoud "Moustache": "They are all proud of me. My youngest boy, Nader, calls himself 'Nader Moustache.' Get it? All his friends call him 'Nader Moustache.'"
Interviewer: "Do you respect all types of moustaches - regardless of their size, length, or width?"
Allam Muhammad Abdel Al-Halim: "Of course."
Interviewer: "Even Hitler's moustache?"
Captain Sayyed Shahada: "By the way, I respect the moustache of this Hitler, because he humiliated the most despicable sect in the world. He subdued the people who subdued the whole world - him with his '11' moustache. By the way, that kind of moustache is called '11.' The generation of this Hitler...
When I was little, my father, may he rest in peace, grew that kind of moustache, and so did all his classmates. They all had this '11' moustache.
That was in the days of Hitler... My father... "
Interviewer: "That was the fashion back then."
Captain Sayyed Shahada: "Exactly. I should know - my father was a barber."
Fathi Ahmad Mahmoud "Moustache": "We have different styles. One style is 'the Douglas.' Then there's 'the Pretzel,' which is rolled like this... The 'Two Swords' style stands up like that... The 'Mafroud' is flat like a ruler. Another style is the 'Carter,' which comes out from here and is very wide."
Interviewer: "What is it called?"
Fathi Ahmad Mahmoud "Moustache": "The 'Carter.' We have two special hair designers, Muhammad Salomon and Yasser Imam. They are the association's designers. They designed all these styles." [...]
Fathi Ahmad Mahmoud "Moustache": "In the days of King Farouq, anybody who grew a moustache would get a raise."
Interviewer: "Really?"
Fathi Ahmad Mahmoud "Moustache": "Yes, they would get a raise."

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MEMRI holds copyrights on all translations. Materials may only be used with proper attribution.

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Hamas en Fatah grotere bedreiging voor Palestijnen dan Israël

Citaat: "Israel has never looked so good."
Eén van de grote manco's van de Israel bashers, is dat ze een staat van melk en honing voorstellen als Israël maar compromissen sluit en/of zichzelf opheft. Een fatsoenlijk, democratisch en humaan Palestijns bestuur is echter net zomin in zicht als in andere Arabische staten.
Na Israël is Libanon het meest democratische, vrije en humane land in het Midden-Oosten, maar het is dan ook slechts deels Arabisch en deels islamitisch. Dit is geen Arab en/of Islam bashing, maar een feit. Don't blame the messenger.

Hamas and Fatah are a bigger threat to the Palestinians than Israel
By The Daily Star (Lebanon)
Tuesday, August 05, 2008

It is a damning indication of just how bad things have become in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip when Fatah militants there must look to Israel for protection from their Palestinian rivals. The Jewish state announced on Monday that it would help a group of 150 Fatah fighters who had fled weekend clashes in Gaza relocate to the West Bank, after determining that they would face "imminent danger" if they were to return home. The scenes of Israel coming to the rescue of Palestinians after a bout of Arab fratricide were reminiscent of the events of Black September, during which scores of Palestinians sought asylum in Israel to escape King Hussein's crackdown on the Palestine Liberation Organization. The only difference this time around is that instead of seeking refuge from a heavy-handed Arab crackdown, Palestinians are fleeing from the murderous hands of their own Palestinian brothers.

Achievement of the Palestinian cause requires that all factions maintain a semblance of orderliness and keep their eyes on the price of independent statehood. In this both Fatah and Hamas have been miserable failures. Both have put partisan interests ahead of national ones and therefore have failed to maintain anything like a united Palestinian front. Even the mediation attempts of Egypt, Yemen and Saudi Arabia have not been enough to curb the political infighting and internecine bloodshed that have served to further threaten the Palestinians' very right to existence.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza has been deteriorating since the international community callously decided to punish an entire people for having exercised their democratic rights in the legislative elections of January 2006. But the Hamas movement is now exacerbating the situation by undermining the rule of law in the territory. After accusing its Fatah rivals of carrying out a deadly bombing late last week that killed five Hamas leaders and a little girl, the Islamist party launched what can be only be described as a witch-hunt, rounding up some 200 Fatah activists. Fatah provided an equally bad example of governance in the West Bank when it retaliated against the move by rounding up scores of people it branded "Hamas activists," including many judges, students and activists who have no known affiliation with the Islamist party. On both sides of divided Palestine, civilians must now add Fatah and Hamas to the long list of threats to their security and wellbeing.

The events of the last week are just the most recent example of how the situation in the Occupied Territories has gone from bad to worse under the watchful eyes of elected Palestinian "representatives." Hundreds of people were killed last year when the two groups allowed their rivalry to degenerate into street violence. Hundreds more were prevented from going about their normal activities such as attending school, going to work or expressing political views.

Over the past few days the two Palestinian factions seem to be close to repeated the same disastrous mistakes. We have seen Palestinians denigrating the legitimacy of other Palestinians, Palestinians making war on other Palestinians, and Palestinians arresting other Palestinians, while the Jewish state has come to the rescue of those Palestinians who fear for their lives. Israel has never looked so good.

UNIFIL zal Israëlische soldaten uit handen Hezbollah proberen te houden

Moeten we bij de volgende Libanon Oorlog nog medelijden hebben met Libanon?
Last week, Lebanon's new government completed its guidelines, which stipulate that Hezbollah has the right to fight against Israel to "recover the land occupied by Israel."
Hezbollah krijgt aldus carte blanche van de Libanese regering om Israël nog eens aan te vallen, want men beweert - ten onrechte - dat de Syrische Sheba Farms die Israël bezet bij Libanon zouden horen.
UNIFIL ziet de bui uiteraard ook al hangen, en heeft zich voorgenomen te zullen proberen een nieuwe gijzeling van Israëlische soldaten te voorkomen. De vorige leidde immers tot de Tweede Libanon Oorlog, en men wil niet nog eens tussen twee vuren komen te zitten.
UNIFIL: We vow to try to rescue any soldier captured in Lebanon
By Yoav Stern, Haaretz Correspondent
Last update - 22:20 05/08/2008

The commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Claudio Graziano has distributed among his troops a contingency plan in case an Israel Air Force aircraft is shot down over Lebanon, the Lebanese daily al-Akhbar reported Tuesday.

The report came amid fears that Israeli aircraft would be targeted in southern Lebanon.

According to the Lebanese newspaper, in the event that an Israeli plane is shot down, UNIFIL troops must aim to reach the pilot first, and if the pilot is captured by armed militants, they must rescue him. The plan stipulates, however, that if the pilot is captured by the Lebanese army, nothing is to be done.

The Al-Akhbar report made top headlines on the Hezbollah television station Al-Manar on Tuesday, where Hezbollah spokesmen sharply criticized the UN peace keeping force.

UNIFIL denied the Al-Akhbar report, but issued a statement saying that it was committed to UN Security Council resolution 1701, which obligates the UN force to do everything in their power to save the lives of foreign soldiers that end up inside Lebanon. The statement added that UNIFIL also pledges to turn any foreign soldier that enters Lebanon over to the Lebanese army.

Resolution 1701 effectively ended a 34-day war between Israel and Hezbollah in 2006 by setting out guidelines for both sides, and the UN force, to observe.

Last week, Lebanon's new government completed its guidelines, which stipulate that Hezbollah has the right to fight against Israel to "recover the land occupied by Israel."

While forces within Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora's western-backed coalition demanded that military action to liberate occupied lands be carried out "under the aegis of the state," now the government guidelines state that Hezbollah has what is essentially an independent right to take action.

"Lebanon, its army, its people and its resistance [Hezbollah] have the right to take action to liberate lands that have remained occupied at the Shaba Farms, the hills of Shuba village and the northern portion of the village of Ghajar, with all legitimate means possible, and to resist Israeli aggression."

The new unity government in Lebanon was established after the parliamentary majority succumbed to the demands of the opposition, headed by Hezbollah, to take control of a third of the cabinet positions, effectively granting it veto power over government decisions. The new cabinet has 30 ministers, with 11 from the opposition.

Only Labor Minister Mohammed Fneish is a member of Hezbollah.

Finalizing the new government guidelines required 14 meetings of the ministerial committee charged with preparing the document.

dinsdag 5 augustus 2008

OneVoice winnaars Imagine 2018 wedstrijd

De essay wedstrijd over hoe het er over 10 jaar aan toe gaat - uitgaande van een vredesakkoord in 2008? - is een mooi idee van OneVoice, maar komt het ervan?
Ik heb de 4 voorbeeld essays gelezen (ze zijn niet zo lang): beide Palestijnen dromen van een éénstatenoplossing onder de naam Palestina, de twee Israëli's dromen van vrede tussen Israël en haar Palestijnse en Arabische buren in wat blijkbaar een tweestatenoplossing is. Eén Israëli wil dan spookstad Sderot weer tot leven wekken, de ander ziet het IDF als deel van een toekomstige VN-vredesmacht die het conflict tussen Soenieten en Shi'iten in Irak gaat helpen oplossen.
Ik vrees dat er nog heel wat water door de Jordaan moet vloeien voor het conflict is opgelost.

IMAGINE 2018 - OneVoice


·         The results are in! Announcing the winners of the Imagine 2018 Essay Contest:


Ø  50 Palestinian winners and 50 Israeli winners have been selected

Ø  Read some of the winning essays

Ø  Israel & Palestine to Co-Host World Cup in 2018? Check out one vision for the future


·         OneVoice Youth Leadership & outreach update


Ø  OneVoice Israeli & Palestinian Youth to Tony Blair: "A Mideast Quintet"

Ø  From our Gaza office: Town Hall Meeting in Beit Hanoun

Ø  OneVoice is Referenced in House of Lords Debate 5 Times

Ø  OneVoice Student Leader at Stanford Organizes Islam-West Unity Event


The Imagine 2018 campaign has only just begun – now that 100 winning essayists have been selected, 10 foremost directors will begin selecting 10 essays to turn into short films. 


These films – the visions of Israeli and Palestinian youth brought to life – will be used to inspire people worldwide to envision some of the tangible benefits peace – to empower people to take action, and to ensure that the leadership acts with urgency and commitment to reach a two state agreement which ends the occupation and all forms of violence, and establishes a viable, independent Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with the state of Israel.


How you can get involved:


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Sluipschutter doodt Assads verbindingsofficier bij Hezbollah

Aan de opmerkingen van Ami Isseroff hieronder hebben wij verder niets toe te voegen.

Report: Sniper kills Assad's Hezbollah liaison officer 

No doubt the assassination will be blamed on the nefarious forces of International Zionism. It is unlikely, however, that Israel had a hand in this. Plenty of Lebanese would be willing to do the job.
Last update - 12:00 03/08/2008
By Yoav Stern, Haaretz Correpsondent, and Haaretz Service
Various reports in the Arab press on Sunday quoted senior sources in Damascus as saying that Syrian President Bashar Assad's liaison officer with the Hezbollah guerilla group was assassinated on Friday.
The sources said that General Mohammed Suleiman was shot dead by a sniper in the Syrian port city of Tartous.
According to the Syrian newspaper Albawaba, the sources told another Arabic-language newspaper, the London-based Al-Hayat, that Syrian authorities have been trying to prevent the publication of the news regarding Suleiman's assassination.
The Syrian Web site "Free Syria", affiliated with Syrian opposition leader Abd al-Halim Khaddam, also dealt extensively with the assassination, and described Suleiman as Assad's right-hand man on military matters. According to the Web site, Suleiman was also a member of Syria's Baath Party, and held the government's Lebanon portfolio.
Albawaba stated that no organization has claimed responsibility for the killing as of yet and the reports did not say who was behind it.
The reports did, however, refer to the assassination of Hezbollah's senior commander Imad Mughniyah in February, and suggested that Israel was involved in the killing.

Hezbollah klaar voor nieuwe confrontatie met Israël

Zonder dat Israël nog enig gebied in Libanon bezet, moet Hezbollah zijn legitimiteit als beschermer tegen 'Israëlische agressie' steeds weer bevestigen door dergelijke dreigementen te uiten. De Libanon oorlog was er uiteraard nooit gekomen had Hezbollah geen Israëlische soldaten (op Israëlisch grondgebied) gedood en ontvoerd en raketten op Israëlische doelen afgevuurd, maar wordt nu steeds aangehaald om te 'bewijzen' hoe hard Libanon Hezbollah nodig heeft om het tegen 'Israëlische agressie' te beschermen.
Op dezelfde manier zal Hezbollah mogelijk een nieuwe oorlog ontketenen wanneer dat Syrië of Iran uitkomt. Hezbollah's vetorecht in Libanon zorgt er daarbij voor dat Libanese belangen stelselmatig onderschikt worden gemaakt aan die van Syrië en Iran. Toch heeft de internationale gemeenschap niks dan lof voor het Doha Akkoord, waarin Hezbollah dat vetorecht in de wacht sleepte, zoals de internationale gemeenschap ook nog steeds meent dat de UNIFIL vredesmacht goed functioneert en resolutie 1701 nageleefd wordt. Het is soms prettiger in een fantasiewereld te leven dan in een echte.
Exclusive: Hizbollah 'stronger than before' and ready to strike Israel
Hizbollah has significantly built up its military arsenal on the Israeli border and is ready to respond with force to any provocation, its senior commander has told the Telegraph.
By David Blair in Tyre
The Daily Telegraph (UK)
The political and military group's senior commander in southern Lebanon said in a rare interview that Hizbollah was far stronger now than when it fought the Israeli army in a conflict in 2006.

Sheikh Nabil Kaouk, who leads Hizbollah's forces on Lebanon's border with Israel - the crucial battlefront of any future war, was speaking in the port city of Tyre. "The resistance is now stronger than before and this keeps the option of war awake. If we were weak, Israel would not hesitate to start another war," he said. "We are stronger than before and when Hizbollah is strong, our strength stops Israel from starting a new war... We don't seek war, but we must be ready."

Hizbollah, whose missiles killed 43 Israeli civilians during the war of 2006, is considered a terrorist organisation by the US and Britain.

Other sources say Hizbollah has trebled its arsenal in the last two years - from 10,000 missiles to about 30,000. These new weapons have longer ranges and heavier warheads. They include the Zelzal missile, which could strike as far south as Tel Aviv, and the C802 anti-shipping missile, capable of sinking Israeli warships.

Any American strike on Iran, for example, could be the trigger for a Hizbollah attack on Israel.

Hassan Nasrallah, Hizbollah's overall leader, started the 2006 conflict with the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers whose corpses were recently returned to Israel.
Mr Kaouk did not deny that Hizbollah was reliant on Iran for military hardware and support. "We are proud of our friendship with Iran and with Syria and every country which helps us to gain our rights," he said. His remarks will be examined closely in Washington as Iran presses ahead with its nuclear programme.
Iran is currently weighing its response to the West's latest offer of incentives to suspend the enrichment of uranium but has signalled that for now it is not about to change its stance.

Asked where Hizbollah's weapons came from, Mr Kaouk said: "All parties in Lebanon are getting weapons. No one asks from where."

Iran is Hizbollah's supplier and paymaster. Tehran's regime and Hizbollah are fellow Shias and their alliance is a crucial power factor in the Middle East. Iran delivers the missiles to southern Lebanon through Syria. Meanwhile, Hizbollah fighters travel to Iran for military training.

If the US attacked Iran's nuclear facilities, Hizbollah could retaliate by firing its missiles into Israel. Hence Iran possesses a vital interest in building this arsenal. Asked how Hizbollah would respond to an attack on Iran, Mr Kaouk replied: "I doubt that Israel will attack Iran because they know the consequences."

Mr Kaouk said the 2006 war, which claimed 1,100 Lebanese lives, had been a success. "Israel didn't achieve any of its goals. The known goal of Israel is 'death to Hizbollah'. Hizbollah is still here."

IDF commandant voor Gaza regio: geen humanitaire crisis in Gazastrook

Dit is een van de mensen wiens mening de Nederlandse media niet interessant vonden, omdat hij niet aan de kant van de 'slachtoffers' staat. In zijn functie als districtshoofd van het leger voor de Gazastrook, heeft hij de Gazastrook zien veranderen onder Hamas bewind.  

Top IDF officer: No Gaza Humanitarian Crisis; Hamas ready to take over West Bank

Haaretz. Last update - 08:45 03/08/2008
By Amos Harel
The economic pressure Israel placed on the Gaza Strip is what led Hamas to agree to the cease-fire, Col. Nir Press, outgoing head of the District Coordination Office in the Gaza Strip, told Haaretz.
However Press insists that at no time did a humanitarian crisis prevail in the Strip.
Press, who today ends three years as head of the coordination office said that when he began his term, right after disengagement, "there were still quite a few expectations." According to Press, a change took place not after Hamas ousted Fatah from the Gaza Strip in June 2007, but after Gilad Shalit was kidnapped in June 2006.
Press, who will be retiring from the army after a 26-year career, will be succeeded by Col. Moshe Levy.
Press said the directive he received was clear: "No humanitarian crisis and no direct talks with Hamas." Press also said: "The starting point has to be that the Palestinians will stay here, two minutes from Netiv Ha'asara," referring to an Israeli Jewish community on the northern border of the Gaza Strip, "and 45 minutes from Tel Aviv. Therefore, we continued our meetings with residents from the Strip during Hamas' period."
With regard to the six-week-old cease-fire, Press says Israel's economic pressure led Hamas to understand that continued rocket fire hurt Hamas. "There was a period when they thought that everything was win-win for them. They attacked the crossings and assumed that we'd close them, and they could blame us for shortages. We managed to make it clear through the Arab press that Gaza had to choose: merchandise or Qassams and mortars." Press said the Gaza Strip was never in danger of becoming a humanitarian crisis.
"The claims of electricity shortages and hunger were part of Hamas' campaign of lies." Press says he sees increased Iranian involvement in the Gaza Strip since disengagement. "It expresses itself not only by sending people for training in camps in Iran, but also in giving money to the unemployed.
Press says Iran's next goal is the West Bank. Today there is no real alternative to Hamas in the Gaza Strip. "Last month, Hamas forces took over the PA presidential complex in Gaza. The message to Fatah is 'you have no place here any more.'"

Israël brengt 88 Fatah vluchtelingen uit Gaza over naar Westoever

Omdat de naar Gaza teruggestuurde leden van de Hilles clan door Hamas werden gearresteerd, zijn de resterende leden nu naar Jericho overgebracht. Israël geeft meer om de veiligheid van deze mensen dan Hamas. Overigens werden ze oorspronkelijk op Abbas verzoek teruggestuurd naar Gaza, omdat hij het belangrijk vond dat aan Fatah geliëerde groepen daar aanwezig blijven.


Last update - 22:58 04/08/2008
Israel transfers 88 Fatah men who fled Gaza into West Bank
By Tomer Zarchin, Amos Harel, Yuval Azoulay and Mijal Grinberg, Haaretz Correspondents, Reuters
Israel drove 88 Palestinians allied to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement into the West Bank on Monday, two days after they fled clashes with Hamas in Gaza that cemented the Islamist group's hold on the coastal enclave.

Their two-bus convoy was escorted by Israeli police and army vehicles across Israel to the Palestinian-run town of Jericho and the men were taken to a security compound controlled by Abbas' Fatah-dominated force.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak decided late Sunday to allow a group of Fatah activists who fled the Gaza Strip over the weekend to be transferred to Palestinian Authority control in the West Bank.

The activists include members of the Hilles clan, some of the 188 Palestinian who escaped into Israel following a series of clashes with Hamas which left 11 people dead. It was decided that the refugees would be granted temporary asylum in the West Bank city of Jericho, despite initial plans to transfer them to Ramallah.

Israel originally admitted the men following a request from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, on the understanding that they would be sent on to the West Bank.

Israel sent about 30 members of the Helles clan back to the Gaza Strip on Sunday, citing an updated request from Abbas and Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.

"Israeli authorities halted the process, however, as they received information that they were being arrested by Hamas," the Israeli army said in a statement.

Israeli defense sources speculated that Abbas repented his initial decision for fear that it would be perceived as his Fatah movement abandoning its last foothold in Gaza and ceding the Strip to Hamas.

Aides to Abbas confirmed this view. "Fatah officials in Gaza should stay in their posts and should not leave Gaza to Hamas," Fahmi Zaghrir, a West Bank spokesman for Fatah, said on Sunday.

However, exceptions would be made for those wanted by Hamas, said Nimr Hamad, an Abbas adviser.

It was not immediately clear how many Gazans would be transported to the West Bank city of Ramallah, where Abbas's Western-backed government is based.

The army said several of the men would remain at least temporarily at Israel's Barzilai hospital near the Gaza Strip, where they have been undergoing treatment for wounds sustained during fighting with Hamas.

Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri said Sunday that the Helles family was welcome to return to the Gaza Strip. "We assured them of their safety," he said.

But Abu Zuhri said the fact that family members fled to Israel "proved they had been involved in breaking the law."

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel on Sunday petitioned the High Court of Justice to order the defense ministry to halt the deportation of Fatah members who fled the Gaza Strip over the weekend.

Deputy Supreme Court President Eliezer Rivlin has ordered Defense Minister Ehud Barak to respond to the petition by Monday afternoon.

"The matter of the petition, by its nature, cannot be deferred," wrote ACRI attorney Oded Feller in the petition. "Continuing [the process of] returning the asylum-seekers to Gaza is liable to endanger their lives, well-being and freedom."

Feller said putting the asylum-seekers at such risk constitutes a serious violation of human rights, and added that Israel should take other steps that don't endanger their lives if they pose a security risk to the state.

maandag 4 augustus 2008

Vijf Palestijnen gestikt na omblazen smokkeltunnel door Egypte

Als Israël een tunnel zou opblazen terwijl er Palestijnen inzitten, zou dat veel aandacht krijgen en veroordeeld worden, maar nu Egypte het deed is het kennelijk niet zo interessant. Het hele onderwerp 'wapensmokkel' boeit de media nauwelijks, en als er aandacht voor is dan wordt het neergezet als een logische reactie op de 'inhumane blokkade' van de Gazastrook door Israël, niet als een bewijs van de noodzaak daarvan. Door de wapensmokkel via deze tunnels is Hamas in staat zich te blijven versterken en zich zo goed voor te bereiden op een toekomstige confrontatie met Israël, maar ook om 'dissidenten' en rivaliserende facties hard aan te pakken.  

Five Palestinians suffocate to death after Egypt blows up tunnel
By News Agencies
Last update - 11:58 02/08/2008

Five Palestinians were killed and 18 wounded in a smuggling tunnel under the Gaza-Egypt border after Egyptian troops blew up the entrance, an Egyptian security official and Gaza hospital doctors said Saturday.

"The destruction of the entrance deprived those inside the tunnel of oxygen," said the Egyptian official, who is stationed at the border and spoke on customary condition of anonymity. Gaza hospital officials said the five died from lack of oxygen.

The tunnel entrance was destroyed late Friday, near the Gaza border town of Rafah.

A wide network of tunnels runs under the border and is used to bring supplies into Gaza. The territory has been virtually cut off from the world since June 2007 when Hamas seized control by force. Both Israel and Egypt have enforced the closure of Gaza.

Israel says Gaza's Hamas rulers use the tunnel to bring in weapons and cash, and has urged Egypt to do more to stop the smuggling. In recent months, Egypt has begun cracking down on the smugglers. In the past week alone, Egypt has destroyed 14 tunnels, the Egyptian official said.
Since the beginning of the year, 27 Palestinians have been killed in tunnels, including the five killed late Friday.

Many Gazans use tunnels to bypass an Israeli blockade that was tightened after Hamas Islamists seized the coastal strip last year. Many of the tunnels are also used by militants to smuggle weapons from Egypt into Gaza.

Israëlische burgerrechten organisatie tegen terugsturen Fatahleden naar Gaza

Ik zou zeggen: dit is meer dan menselijk. Israël heeft uiteraard geen enkele verplichting de Fatah leden binnen te laten, noch de gewonden in ziekenhuizen te behandelen, maar doet dat toch, zoals er jaarlijks tienduizenden Palestijnen in Israëlische ziekenhuizen worden behandeld. Omdat Abbas de gevluchte Palestijnen niet op de Westoever wil toelaten, heeft Israël er een aantal teruggestuurd, waarop prompt een Israëlische burgerrechten organisatie protest aantekent. Het zou me niet verbazen als ze ook nog gelijk krijgen van het hooggerechtshof. Begrijp me niet verkeerd: ik heb hier niks op tegen. Het valt me alleen op als uitzonderlijk om zo met je vijand begaan te zijn.
Watchdog petitions court against return of Fatah refugees staff, ap, KHALED ABU TOAMEH and YAAKOV KATZ , THE JERUSALEM POST
Aug. 3, 2008

The Association for Civil Right in Israel petitioned the High Court of Justice on Sunday to prevent the state from returning Fatah refugees to Gaza after they fled the territory on Saturday.

The petitioners stated that forcing the Fatah loyalists to return to the Strip could endanger their lives and called it a serious violation of human rights and of Israeli law.

The court ordered the state to respond to the petition by Monday.

Earlier on Sunday, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas refused to grant West Bank asylum to dozens of supporters who fled Hamas-ruled Gaza to Israel under fire, during fierce factional fighting.

Abbas stood his ground, with aides explaining that he felt his embattled Fatah group must maintain a presence in Gaza. The escape posed a dilemma for Abbas. After the Hamas takeover of Gaza last summer, he had agreed to resettle some 250 of his Gaza loyalists in the West Bank.

It's been a costly arrangement - the refugees each get $350 a month, in addition to government salaries, and Abbas's cash-strapped government covers rent for dozens of the most senior among them. The 2007 exodus also sent a message that Fatah is abandoning Gaza to Hamas.

Abbas wanted to send a different message this time, aides said.

"Fatah officials in Gaza should stay in their posts and should not leave Gaza to Hamas," Fahmi Zaghrir, a West Bank spokesman for Fatah, said Sunday. An exception would be made for those wanted by Hamas, added Nimr Hamad, an Abbas adviser.

However, there were concerns that the returnees could face mistreatment by Hamas.

Hamas confirmed it detained the first group of 32 who were sent back to Gaza on Sunday. The organization said it released all but five in that group.

Nine Palestinians were killed - including members of Hamas's security forces - and more than 90 were wounded in Saturday's fighting in Gaza City.

The clashes began when hundreds of Hamas policemen raided homes belonging to the Hilles clan in the city's Shajayieh neighborhood in a bid to arrest suspects in the bombing that killed five Hamas men on July 25.

Hamas had accused members of the clan, which has long been affiliated with Fatah, of being behind the explosion, which also killed a seven-year-old girl.

Toward Saturday night, the 188 clan members approached the border fence with Israel near the Nahal Oz fuel crossing, laid down their weapons and asked soldiers to allow them to cross over.

Wary Israeli troops allowed them to cross the heavily guarded border, stripping them first to make sure none were concealing weapons or wearing explosives. Soldiers prepared stretchers, and ambulances rushed the badly wounded to nearby hospitals. Mortar shells landed nearby as the Palestinians crossed into Israel.

One of the wounded men, Shadi Hilles, was hospitalized Sunday morning in Ashkelon. He said he was wounded when Hamas attacked the clan's compound with shoulder-launched rockets and mortars, forcing him to crawl through nearby fields to safety.

"We crawled to the border, that was our solution, and I think we stayed at the border for two or three hours until the army let the injured enter," he said.

IDF sources said the group was allowed into Israel out of "humanitarian concerns" that they would be slaughtered by Hamas.

Hamas policemen had surrounded the area where the clan lives for the past five days, demanding that the suspects be handed over. However, the clan refused to comply and instead chose to resist any attempt to enter their area.

At least 12 of those who were wounded in Saturday's fighting were under the age of 15, said Khaled Radi, spokesman for the Hamas Health Ministry. Six of them were being treated for serious wounds in the intensive care unit of various hospitals, he added.

Ihab al-Ghissin, spokesman for the Hamas Interior Ministry, said the massive security operation came after the Hilles clan refused to hand over the suspects wanted in connection with the fatal beachfront bombing.

He said the Hamas security forces seized large amounts of weapons, including rocket-propelled grenades and dynamite, during the crackdown on the clan.

Ghissin added that at least 100 members of the clan were arrested for questioning, while others managed to flee the scene.

Islam Shaheen, spokesman for the Hamas police force, said officers discovered a weapons factory that had been run by members of the clan and former Fatah security officers. He said the operation ended successfully when the Hamas security forces managed to "liberate" the area that had previously been under the clan's control.

Col. Ron Ashrov, commander of the Northern Gaza Regional Brigade, said Saturday night that the fleeing Palestinians had been allowed into Israel, including 22 wounded, most with light injuries.

He also said the Hamas attacks on the group constituted a breach of the Gaza cease-fire reached in June.

AP contributed to this report

11 Doden en 103 gewonden bij confrontatie tussen Hamas en Helles Clan

Meer nieuws over de recente gevechten in de Gazastrook. Israël zou bij zo'n 'score' gelijk internationaal worden veroordeeld.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

Press Release





Ref: 69/2008

Date: 3 August 2008

Time: 13:00GMT


11 Palestinians, Including 8 Members of the Helles Clan and 2 Police Officers, Killed and 103, including 17 children and 6 Women, Wounded in Armed Clashes between the Police and the Clan in Gaza


On Saturday, 2 August 2008, al-Shoja'eya neighborhood in the east of Gaza City witnessed bloody clashes between security services of the Ministry of Interior and gunmen from the Helles clan. Eleven Palestinians, including 2 police officers and 8 members of the Helles clan, were killed, and 103 others, including 17 children and 6 women, were wounded.


The clashes erupted as the Helles clan rejected demands by the government in Gaza to extradite a number of suspects of assaults against the rule of law, including the explosion that occurred at Gaza beach on 25 July 2008, which killed a child and 5 members of the 'Izziddin al-Qassam Brigades (the armed wing of Hamas), according to sources of the Ministry of Interior.


According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 05:00 on Saturday, 2 August 2008, security services launched a wide scale operation in al-Shojaeya neighborhood in the east of Gaza City, aimed to arrest wanted members of the Helles clan. A large force of the police and the internal security service besieged al-Turkman quarter in the east of al-Shojaeya neighborhood and armed clashes erupted between them and gunmen from the Helles clan. These clashes continued until 20:00 on the same day, during which time 11 persons, including 2 police officer and 8 members of the Helles clan, were killed, and 103 others, including 17 children and 6 women, were wounded. Eight of the wounded have been admitted into the intensive care unit at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.


Several civilian bystanders, who were forcibly caught in the line of fire, were wounded. For instance, at approximately 07:15, a mortar shell fell near a chicken shop belonging to Maher Shukri Esleem in al-Ghalatha Street. As a result 9 civilians, including Esleem and his son, were wounded. Another shell hit a house belonging to Isma'il Ya'qoub Halasa in Baghdad Street. As a result, 6 members of the family, including 3 children and woman, were wounded.


According to medical sources at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, those who were killed in the armed clashes are:

1)       Waleed Baker Helles, 18, hit by a gunshot to the head;

2)       Adham Bassam Helles, 19, hit by a gunshot to the head;

3)       Mohammed 'Aamer Helles, 18, hit by a gunshot to the chest;

4)       Sha'ban Fayeq Helles, 20, hit by a gunshot to the chest;

5)       'Abdullah Fadel Helles, 22, hit by a gunshot to the chest;

6)       Shareef Hamed Helles, 22, hit by a gunshot to the head;

7)       Muhannad Ziad Helles, 21, hit by a gunshot to the chest;

8)       Fayeq As'ad Marshoud, 25, hit by a gunshot to head;

9)       Khaled 'Omar Helles, 22, hit by 2 gunshots to the chest and the abdomen;

10)    Ahmed Khalil al-Nakhala, 30, a police officer, hit by a gunshot to the head;

11)    Sameh Mansour Abu 'Aassi, 22, a police officer, hit by shrapnel from an RBJ projectile throughout the body.


During the armed clashes, at approximately 16:30, dozens of members of the Helles clan were able to flee from the area of clashes, which is close to the eastern border of the Gaza Strip, towards the Israeli-controlled Nahal 'Ouz crossing.


At approximately 20:00, the Ministry of Interior issued a press released in which it declared that the police were able to seize complete control over the area of residence of the Helles clan. They arrested many suspects, according to the press release. The ministry declared also that al-Shoja'eya neighborhood would be closed for 3 days for the purpose of security searches. In a press conference, the Minister of Interior in the Gaza government stated that "the security operation targeted a square which harbored a number of criminals who are accused of causing the explosions, and that heavy weapons, stores of weapons and factories of explosives were found in that security square."


Although PCHR realizes the enormous security difficulties and challenges, it:


1)       Stresses that concerned authorities have the right to arrest suspects of assaults against the rule of law, but in accordance with legal procedures related to arrests and house searches.

2)       Reiterates its position that the weapons of clans are part of the state of security chaos and assaults against the rule of law, and it is unacceptable under any circumstances to turn residential areas into stores of weapons.  

3)       Emphasizes the importance of having strict rules that regulate the use of weapons and firearms by law enforcement officials to ensure non-employment of excessive force, commitment to the principles of proportionality and discrimination, and respect for international human rights standards, in order to maintain the safety and security of civilians.          




Public Document


For more information please call PCHR office in Gaza, Gaza Strip, on +972 8 2824776 - 2825893

PCHR, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip. E-mail:, Webpage


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