vrijdag 15 februari 2008

In Peki'in door Jood gekocht huis in brand gestoken

Het blijft onrustig in het (overwegend) Druze dorp Peki'in, waar overigens ook al meer dan 2.000 jaar onafgebroken een Joodse gemeenschap leeft.
Het is welhaast onbegrijpelijk dat in de enige Joodse staat ter wereld mensen worden 'gestraft' voor het verkopen van huizen aan Joden. Misschien kunnen antiracisten die Israël altijd hard aanvallen op haar discriminatie van Arabieren hier ook eens aandacht aan besteden.
Jewish-owned home torched in Peki'in by Druze youth
By Jack Khoury, Haaretz Correspondent
Last update - 13:36 11/02/2008

A Jewish-owned home was set on fire Monday in the upper Galilee village of Pekiin, in a move that police say served as a warning by Druze youth to locals who sell their homes to Jews.

The house was purchased four months ago by entrepreneur Naftali Friedman who planned to turn it into a hostel. The house is located adjacent to the village spring in the center of town and is currently empty due to renovations.

The home owner arrived Monday morning to find that tires were set on fire inside the home causing serious damage. No one was hurt in the incident.

Since violent riots broke out in November between police and Druze youth over the burning of a cellular antenna in the village there have been a number of incidents in which Jewish property was damaged.

The clashes left dozens injured, including three people who sustained injuries after police shot them using live rounds.

In December, the home of a Jewish woman who had been living in the town for a year was also lit on fire. The woman complained earlier that locals in the village had been harassing her and had tried to sabotage her property.


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