maandag 21 januari 2008

Israël blijft Gazastrook van electriciteit voorzien

Terwijl het nieuws weer alarmerende beelden had van van stroom en basisbehoeften verstookte bevolking in de Gazastrook, zegt Israël de stroomlevering naar de Gazastrook niet te hebben verminderd of stopgezet. Wel is de levering van benzine verminderd in reactie op de vele Qassam aanvallen.
Onlangs hebben Hamas terroristen benzine uit een ziekenhuis gestolen om dit voor de productie van Qassams te gebruiken. Het lijkt erop dat de bevolking nu wederom te lijden heeft van de ietwat vreemde keuzes en prioriteiten van Hamas en niet vanwege 'collectieve strafmaatregelen' van Israël:
While the fuel supply from Israel into Gaza has indeed been reduced, due to the Hamas rocket attacks, the diversion of this fuel from domestic power generators to other uses is wholly a Hamas decision - apparently taken due to media and propaganda considerations.

Foreign Ministry Statement on Power Outages in Gaza
Sunday, 20 January, 2008 22:47

In response to media inquiries regarding power outages in Gaza, the Israel Foreign Ministry spokesman stated this evening (20/1/08):

The supply of electricity to Gaza from the Israel and the Egyptian power grids (124 Megawatts and 17 Megawatts respectively) has continued uninterrupted. These 141 Megawatts of power represents about three quarters of Gaza's electricity needs.

While the fuel supply from Israel into Gaza has indeed been reduced, due to the Hamas rocket attacks, the diversion of this fuel from domestic power generators to other uses is wholly a Hamas decision - apparently taken due to media and propaganda considerations.

Noteworthy is the fact that while the Gaza population remains in the dark, the fuel generating power to the Hamas rocket manufacturing industry continues to flow unabated.

The Hamas claim of humanitarian crisis in Gaza is also greatly exaggerated. There is no shortage of basic foodstuffs, and Gaza patients who need treatment in Israeli hospitals continue to travel into Israel for care.

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

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