woensdag 19 december 2007

Palestijnse terroristen relatief jong, hoog opgeleid en met baan

Palestijnse zelfmoordaanslagen zijn wanhoopsdaden, die door een kleine groep extremisten worden gepleegd, zo horen we vaak.
Uit onderstaand onderzoek blijkt dat plegers van aanslagen en activisten van Hamas en Islamitische Jihad überhaupt, gemiddeld een stuk hoger opgeleid zijn dan de Palestijnse bevolking (96% heeft middelbare school en de helft een vervolgopleiding) en dat zij zelden in armoede leven (16% tegenover 31% gemiddeld). Bovendien heeft 94% een baan, tegenover 31% gemiddeld. Verder zijn zij gemiddeld jonger, vaker ongetrouwd en komen vaker uit de stad.

Met andere woorden, zij weten wat zij doen en kiezen hier heel bewust voor.
Hierbij spelen vernederingen door het Israëlische leger en de problemen van andere Palestijnen waarschijnlijk een rol, maar zelf hebben zij relatief goede vooruitzichten. Waarom geven zij dan toch letterlijk hun leven voor 'de goede zaak'? Wat is de rol van religie, wat van het ouderlijk huis, de school, de media, de moskee? Waar kwamen zij voor het eerst in aanraking met radikale ideeën, en wanneer kwamen zij op het idee zelf actief te worden in 'het verzet'? Dienden andere 'martelaren' als voorbeeld?
Waarschijnlijk speelt de heldenstatus van 'martelaren' een grote rol, en vrienden die betrokken raken bij terrorisme.

Evidence about the Link Between Education,Poverty and Terrorism among Palestinianns
Claude Berrebi
Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy / Volume 13, Issue 1 2007 Article 2


This paper investigates the ways in which terrorism is linked to education and poverty using data newly culled from Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) documentary sources. The paper presents a statistical analysis of the determinants of participation in terrorist activities by members of the Hamas and PIJ between the late 1980s and May 2002. The resulting evidence suggests that both higher education and standard of living are positively associated with participation in Hamas or PIJ and with becoming a suicide bomber, while being married significantly reduces the probability of participation in terrorist activities.

Table 1 reports the means of selected demographic variables for Palestinian (Hamas and PIJ) terrorists and the Palestinian population of similar age, sex and religion, as were tabulated using the data set culled from the terrorists' biographies as well as the "Labor Force Surveys in Judea, Samaria and Gaza".

Each characteristic's category is followed by a chi-square test of the null hypothesis that the characteristic is independent of terrorist status.

These data reveal several interesting comparisons. First, 31 percent of the Palestinians, compared to only 16 percent of the terrorists, were characterized as poor. Second, out of 208 observations in which information about the terrorist's education was available, 96 percent (200) have at least a high school education and 65 percent (135) have some kind of higher education, compared to 51 percent and 15 percent, respectively, in the Palestinian population of same age, sex and religion.

Third, the Palestinian population contains a larger share of its individuals at prime earning ages (58 percent between 25 and 54 years of age) when compared to the terrorists (only 44 percent in the same age range). Compared to the general population, terrorists tend to be younger: where only 72 percent of the general population is below the age of 34, 93 percent of terrorists fall into this group. The age-distribution differences further accentuate the findings of differences in poverty and education.

Fourth, terrorists tended to be from urban areas (54 percent of the 311 observations where this information was available), whereas only 34 percent of the comparable Palestinian population was living in urban areas. In particular, 47 percent of the terrorists lived in Gaza, compared to only 22 percent of the comparable population.

Fifth, out of 208 terrorists whose biographies indicated marital status, only 45 percent were married, compared to an average of 59 percent in the population of individuals with similar age, sex and religion. Finally, out of 142 observations for which information about labor force status of the terrorists was known, 94 percent held some kind of employment, whereas only 69 percent of the Palestinian population was employed.

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

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