dinsdag 17 april 2007

Palestinijnse facties roepen op tot meer ontvoeringen

Palestijnse facties, inclusief de aan Fatah geliëerde Al Aqsa Martelaren Brigade, roepen op tot de ontvoering van meer Israëlische soldaten om alle Palestijnse gevangenen vrij te laten.

The statement confirmed that Hamas "intends to release all the prisoners,
regardless of their faction or affiliation, by all means available and at
any cost, especially after the failure of the diplomatic efforts, the weak
agreements and the false promises."

Hamas also called on the Israeli leaders to "comply with the factions'
demands, accelerate the exchange deal and avoid deception."

Uiteraard zal een succesvolle deal slechts een uitnodiging zijn om meer soldaten te ontvoeren, aangezien Hamas alle gevangenen vrij wil krijgen. Israël moet in daden duidelijk maken dat de enige manier voor Hamas om Palestijnse gevangenen vrij te krijgen, is door Israël te erkennen en het geweld af te zweren. Gevangenenruil dient op een een-op-een basis te gebeuren (Palestijnen zijn toch evenveel waard als Israëli's?). Gevangenen die voor kleine vergrijpen vastzitten of in administratieve detentie zijn, zou men als 'goodwil gesture' vrij kunnen laten. Anders zullen meer ontvoeringen volgen en vernederende gevangenendeals die de populariteit van Hamas vergroten.


Palestinian factions encourage further abductions of Israeli soldiers in order to ensure a prisoners' exchange
Date: 16 / 04 / 2007  Time:  15:05

Khan Younis - Ma'an - A number of Palestinian factions, including Hamas, have called for more Israeli soldiers to be captured in order to ensure Palestinian prisoners are released in exchange. They say that this action is necessary following the failure of the diplomatic efforts to release the Palestinian prisoners.

In a statement, Hamas said that their movement urges the armed brigades of Al-Qassam (Hamas), Al-Aqsa (Fatah), An-Nasser (Popular Resistance Committees), Al-Quds (Islamic Jihad), Abu Ali Mustafa (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) and others, to work together to capture more Israeli soldiers in order to exchange them with Palestinian prisoners .

The statement confirmed that Hamas "intends to release all the prisoners, regardless of their faction or affiliation, by all means available and at any cost, especially after the failure of the diplomatic efforts, the weak agreements and the false promises."

Hamas also called on the Israeli leaders to "comply with the factions' demands, accelerate the exchange deal and avoid deception."

The statement called upon the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) to hold a special session to discuss the prisoners' issue and to draw up plans to activate this issue at an international level. It also called on the international community to play their role in releasing the prisoners and not to keep silent.

Hamas also called on the Palestinian people to actively participate in the celebrations marking Palestinian Prisoners' Day on Tuesday, 17th April. In particular, Hamas urged the public to attend the special celebrations taking place outside the PLC in Gaza City at 5pm on Tuesday.

In the same regard, the Fatah-affiliated Al-Aqsa brigades said that "there was no response by the Israelis to release the prisoners and we urge all our fighters to capture and abduct Israeli soldiers and citizens."

The Al-Aqsa brigades said in a statement that the Israelis will be targeted everywhere if the Israeli government does not release the prisoners.

The statement also called on the international organizations and human rights societies to exert pressure on the Israeli government to release the prisoners.

In the same regard, the Popular Resistance Committees, and its armed wing, the An-Nasser Salah Addin Brigades, called on the Palestinian government to connect any future truce with the Israelis with the prisoners' issue and their release.

A statement issued by the PRC said that it is ready to do its utmost in order to release the prisoners. It also urged Palestinians to show their support for the prisoners on Palestinian Prisoners' Day on 17th April.

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